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intacs PRM/PAM Hardware Engineering (HWE) Intacs Working Group ‘HW Engineering Processes’

C. Donzella

Exida Dev. srl

G. Pepe


C. La Rocca

ITK Engineering


Automotive SPICE, PRM/PAM Hardware Engineering (HWE), Intacs.


  1. The PRM/PAM Hardware Engineering (HWE) has filled one of the biggest gaps of current Automotive SPICE®, especially regarding the alignment and convergence with ISO 26262 and, more implicitly, with IATF 16949, too.

  2. Given the degree of maturity of the PRM/PAM Hardware Engineering (HWE) it is recommended to begin familiarizing with it, in order to be ready for official assessments as soon as intacs board releases the respective official regulation.